Monday, February 4, 2008

What Radio Station Are You On? - Continued

Good Morning,

It is now Monday morning, and I had a restful and blessed weekend. I have been up since 4:00 am meditating, writing my gratitude list, magnitizing what I want in life, reading my emails, and now it is time to continue my thoughts on our "cosmic" radio stations.

Have a pad of paper, or a journal handy to enable you to write down your answers to the following questions. Please leave enough space to write down the answers to each question.
  1. Am I on the "Abundance", or "Scarcity" radio station?
  2. Do I dial between the stations into static?

After you have answered the above questions, then ask yourself two more, and write the answers down.

  1. How does it serve me to be on my particular radio station, or staying in "static"?
  2. What am I getting out of staying on my radio station, or staying in "static"?

This exercise will help bring to your conscious mind the clarity of how you are living your life. Then you can make "conscious" choices of moving out of "fear", and to live an abundant and expansive life.

Example of this process is my "static" energy regarding completing manuscripts for a ton of books that are in my head. I am in various stages, both in my head and writing, but not one manuscript is finished. So, I ask myself the questions:

  1. How does it serve me not to finish a book manuscript?
  2. What am I getting out of not being a published author?

Answers to these questions in my next blog!

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