Sunday, February 10, 2008

Time Warp!!

Where in the "sam hill" does time go?? Wow! I did not realize that it has been almost a week since I have written anything.

I had an experience I would like to share with you. It is an example of how to not judge, and to keep your positive energy high, in which to receive opportunities and blessings. This story is to encourage you to practice staying centered, balanced and in harmony 24/7.

Yesterday, I was on my way to San Mateo, to watch my 10 month old grandson, Tommy. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and I could already feel his feel his tiny arms draped over my shoulders when I hold him. I could already hear his giggle, and see his mouth open like a little bird when I feed him. As I was driving (actually the speed limit for once), and listening to Hawaiian music on the radio, I heard a siren. I looked in my rear view mirror, and saw a Highway Patrol officer behind me, and guess what, he wanted "me" to pull over. Over his "loud speaker", he directs me off the freeway, onto a side street. The officer was a young man, about 30-35 years old, impeccably groomed, with a nice soft voice. He came over to my passenger window, and told me my vehicle registration was expired. The officer asked me for the regular paperwork, such as, drivers license, insurance card, and registration information. He also asked me, if I had paid the registration, but had not received the "tags" yet. I told him no, that now I realize I had not paid my registration at all, and yes, in fact it was overdue (7 months).

The officer took my paperwork, and went back to his car to check me out, and write a ticket.
I was fairly sure, that he had noticed that I also have a cracked windshield, that is about 7 months old as well.

Now here is where I jumped right into my "practice". I checked my body out for any signs of stress. Remember it is your "feelings" that tell you where you are, not your head. I noticed that around my heart I was a little tight, and my head was clear and relaxed. I closed my eyes for a moment, allowing myself to focus on my heart, and imagined releasing the stress/tight feelings, etc. I imagined the energy flowing to the sun, and out of my body.

I then focused in my mind, the officer as a great guy, he was having a peaceful loving day, and that all compassion and understanding was projected from him towards me. I imagined that he was understanding, thoughtful, and that many blessings were to come to me.

When the officer finally arrived back to my car, he apologized for taking so long. He explained thoroughly the process to take care of the "fix it ticket" he had written me for the damaged windshield. The next "ticket" he gave me was going to cost some money. This ticket was for the registration being over 6 months old, and the court would notify me within 30 days of the process, and how much I would owe. The officer then informed me that any registration that is delinquent over 6 months, must be towed. Before my mind could even take that it, the officer said, "but I am giving you a gift today", and not towing your car. I know you will take care of your registration right away.

I thanked him for the gift, and that I appreciated his kindness and wished him a great day. I kept a smile throughout the whole process, and created kind and loving energy not only for myself, but for him as well. I also made a conscious decision not to allow this event to ruin any moment of my journey to be with my grandson, or my day, and especially my life.

It takes awareness and practice to maintain peace within you, and outside of you. You can do it. Choose to live your life this way, and I guarantee you will have many stories of "gifts of blessings" for yourself.....but, I do recommend paying your registration on time...

1 comment:

Mare said...

Oh my gosh! You handled that beautifully. How lovely not to have had your car towed...although I would have been quite happy to come up and drive you!! Love you!